30 August 2014 7 Sept 2014          
19 March 2015 21 November 2015 01/08/2021          
Rowan's Visit to the Optician on 23 June 2014
Dad collected me from the Heartlands Centre
Here are some of the other Mummies and Daddies
Dad insisted on taking boring pictures of flowers
While I waited in the car
Waiting to be seen in Specsavers
This nice man tested my eyes
Should I choose these glasses?

No!! I would look silly!!

Waiting for a nice lady to help me choose...
Dad started doing self portraits in the mirror
You can just see the top of my head in this one..
These are going to be my nice new glasses. Do you like them? They are going to call Dad when they are ready to collect
Just doing my spellings in the car before going home.